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Public Path

The aim of the project was to try and find different ways of mapping paths through Berlin. During several iterations we experimented with different mapping techniques and developed different prototypes, each refferring to the circular aspect of the paths throughout a day. Through 3D scanning, game engines and geospatial mapping techniques we developed a digital space in which we tried new mapping approaches of public space by entangling quantitative  and qualitative data. The created space also took as a reference the video-game dungeon maps, which are 3D spaces developed in extension and height. The final map is experienceable by walking through a path of 3D scans that are attached to each other.

While passing through the spaces the users get information about location, time and distance from the home of an imaginary individual. By that we try to separate the subjective experience from the material character of public spaces. To further stress this aspect the point cloud density is calculated randomly each time the user enters a new space. At a certain density also color is added to the visualization of the specific space. By this we aim to connect quantitative data such as time to the perception of the space. The more time a character spends in a space, the more detailled the perception of this space might be. Also personal experiences can change the perceptive memory of a space.

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