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Yağmur Uçkunkaya


Yağmur Uçkunkaya works in the field of AI technology and Intelligence Architecture, with a focus on the transformative potential of AI tech and design tools in the art and technology industries. Her expertise spans academic studies and award-winning projects with industry leaders and acclaimed musicians and artists. Uçkunkaya studied media technologies (Medieninformatik) at the Technische Universität Berlin and the Freie Universität Berlin, where she developed a keen interest in AI technologies for artistic and creative purposes. Her involvement with the AI agency Birds on Mars began during her final two years of study, where she worked as a working student and contributed to a range of projects at the intersection of AI technology and art. In her last year in her studies she explored the use of AI as a vocal tool and wrote her bachelor's thesis on the use of text-to-speech systems for singing voice synthesis.

As a producer, DJ, and radio host, Uçkunkaya practices under the moniker “rayne" and is known for exploring liminal spaces between the organic and electronic, analog and digital, western and eastern. Her personal creative practice has given her unique insights into the needs of musicians, which has proved invaluable when developing tools and technology aimed at artists.

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